The Media Manipulation Casebook

The Media Manipulation Casebook is a digital research platform linking together theory, methods, and practice for mapping media manipulation and disinformation campaigns. This resource is intended for researchers, journalists, technologists, policymakers, educators, and civil society organizers who want to learn about detecting, documenting, describing, and debunking misinformation.

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#NotTheCost Campaign

A global call to action to raise awareness to stop violence against women in politics.

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Win with Women

An initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.

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Engaging Women in Politics in Uganda

Organized an e-conference for over 150 women candidates for elected office in Uganda, with a focus on navigating social barriers to political participation, including misinformation and cyberbullying

Defending Digital Democracy

Connects academic research on disinformation threats and vulnerability to governments, CSOs, technology firms, political organizations

INFO/tegrity Initative

Provides a framework for NDI's DemTech team to lead and support institutional initiatives countering disinformation and other forms of online manipulation, while strengthening and ensuring the integrity of the information space.

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Beacon Project

Supports original research into disinformation vulnerability and resilience with public opinion research, analytical pieces, narrative monitoring, and mainstream and social media monitoring, both in house and in collaboration with local partners in Europe.

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Protecting Tunisian Elections from Digital Threat Roundtable

The roundtable highlights the current state of social media used by political actors ahead of the elections, seeking to understand and foresight how social media will impact the political campaign, and how to better protect the integrity of the campaign.

(Copied from website)

Toronto TV

Kontakt is a television and radio network that features Ukrainian-Canadian topics, as well as news from and about Ukraine. This network uses social media platforms and short video segments to challenge disinformation narratives propagated by prominent politicians.