The Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT)

The conversations that trend on internet platforms shape our world in consequential ways, from who we vote for, to what news we read, to how we respond to a pandemic.

But frequently, these conversations don’t trend organically — they’re the result of influence campaigns intended to misinform, radicalize, or polarize. Rather than public opinion influencing the trends, social media trends influence public opinion.


The platform was launched by the team of the "Why Not" organization, which has many years of experience in fact-checking, through work on checking the accuracy and consistency of statements of public officials, and monitoring the fulfillment of election promises on the Istinomjer platform.

Rappler Fact Check

Rappler values truth-telling, facts, and factual reporting. We correct at the first instance inaccuracies spotted in our own reports and false claims made by public officials, key public personalities, and other accounts on social media. Fact-checking is done both internally and externally to create and sustain an environment anchored on truth, which is essential to a healthy and working democracy.

Putting Civic Online Reason In Civics Class

The COR curriculum was developed by the Stanford History Education Group as part of MediaWise—a partnership of SHEG, the Poynter Institute, and the Local Media Association. The MediaWise collaboration is supported by as part of their Google News Initiative.

The goal of MediaWise is to provide educators with tools to help students evaluate online information. It is based on classroom research that shows that students in COR classrooms gain significantly in the knowledge and skills needed to determine the trustworthiness of digital content.

Pesa Check

PesaCheck is a fact-checking initiative to verify the financial and other statistical numbers quoted by public figures across East Africa, supported by International Budget Partnership, and Code for Africa affiliates in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


Bots, short for robots, are computer programs designed to perform specific tasks. The first robots did not have malicious intentions, and even today there are good bots, whose purpose is to demand accountability from politicians, viralize causes for gender equality or help organize the (many) daily tasks of their users. Good right?

Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace of 12 November 2018 is a call to come together to face the new threats endangering citizens and infrastructure. It is based around nine common principles to secure cyberspace, which act as many areas for discussion and action.

Myth Detector

Myth Detector is Media Development Foundation’s (MDF) project aimed at debunking fake news and studying propaganda methods and strategies revealed in Georgian language media. It is mostly fact checking in the Georgian media environment but also includes a media literacy component.