Updated on
fév 26, 2021

During the months leading up to the 2018 presidential election , students at the Énois School of Journalism in São Paulo and the youth of data_lab in Rio checked weekly for facts and rumors that could impact on the electoral process, Whatsapp networks - mostly young and peripheral. The checks were published in small "capsules", in text and image, and distributed back by WhatsApp in a reverse logistics of the message, seeking to pierce a network bubble, which is private and closed. In addition to WhatsApp, the information provided was distributed on Twitter - with the hashtag #checazap all content checked - on the Breaking the Taboo page on Facebook, HuffPost Brazil on the web and weekly newsletters at CBN. The results of the checks were distributed on Fridays through Whatsapp. And users could also send messages with content to be checked for the project's mobile number. The objective of the project was to contribute to a more transparent electoral process, combating misinformation on the platform that was one of the major decision makers of voters in the two major capitals. Project in partnership with the WhatsApp Monitor and funded by the Open Society Foundation.
(Copied from website)