International Partnership on Information and Democracy

The International Partnership on Information and Democracy is an intergovernmental non-binding agreement endorsed by 38 countries around the world to promote and implement democratic principles in the global information and communication space. It was formally signed during the 74th UN General Assembly in September 2019.

(Copied from website)

The Citizen Browser Project

The Citizen Browser Project is an initiative designed to observe the spread of disinformation by monitoring the algorithms that social media platforms use to distribute news and narratives to its communities. Specifically focused on Facebook and Youtube, the project seeks to assess and hold accountable the choices made by the algorithms of social media platforms. Which voices are amplified over others? What are the sources of political propaganda and disinformation, and can they be policed?

The Pledge for Election Integrity

Pledge signed by political parties/individuals committing to transparency and preserving election integrity by avoiding disinformation and attacks by third parties.

(independently written)

Contextus Platform

The Contextus Platform takes in text and images from social media platforms and online communities and uses artificial intelligence to analyze and decode this data for hidden meaning. By tracking the flow of information, it can ultimately help to expose or predict possible threats, hostile intentions, and hate acts.

(independently written)

Youtube DataViewer

The Youtube Dataviewer is a tool that allows users to extract metadata from Youtube videos. It allows users to track information such as original upload time of videos as well as running a reverse image search on all thumbnails used for videos, making it easier to see whether a video is actually relevant to the event people claim. To find the information, just copy and paste the URL into the dataviewer and search.

(Independently written)


A Browser Extension for Adding Context to Online Stories by Suggesting Related Wikipedia Articles

WikiWhatsThis will be a browser extension that adds context to online stories by allowing readers to highlight arbitrary chunks of text and request related Wikipedia articles. The extension will use text features combined with Wikipedia page quality signals to show the user the bigger picture around what they are reading.

(Copied from website)


UX of Wikipedia Credibility

WikiUX takes a user-centred approach to address credibility. The project examines how end-users respond to different types of credibility signals, such as the structure of the page, tone of writing, and placement of citations within Wikipedia articles, as well as Wikipedia content that exists elsewhere on the web, such as within information cards on search and social platforms.

(Copied from website)

Who Targets Me

Who Targets Me are a small group of activists creating and managing a crowdsourced global database of political adverts placed on social media.

We were founded by Sam Jeffers and Louis Knight Webb in 2017 during the UK elections to monitor the use of online political ads in real time and provide analysis of their intended impact. The Who Targets Me plug-in has now been installed by over 30,000 users worldwide in more than 100 countries and 20 languages.


WeVerify’s aim is to address the advanced content verification challenges through a participatory verification approach, open source algorithms, low-overhead human-in-the-loop machine learning and intuitive visualizations. Social media and web content will be analysed for detection of disinformation; contextualised within the broader social web and media ecosystem; and misleading and fabricated content will be exposed as such, both through micro-targeted debunking and a blockchain-based public database of known fakes.

UNESCO's online media & information literacy (MIL) course

Faced with the choice between privacy and safety on the Internet, between freely expressing themselves and the ethical use of information, the media and technology – women, men and young boys and girls need new types of competencies. Media and information literacy (MIL) offers these competencies. Education for all must therefore include media and information literacy for all.