Real 411

Real411 was created to give all citizens the power to report digital disinformation during the run up to the 2019 South African National and Provincial Elections. When individuals report to the Real411, they are reporting to the Electoral Commission’s (IEC) Directorate for Electoral Offences. The IEC will rule on acts of disinformation for appropriate action to be taken.

Fato ou Fake

Fato ou Fake is a news literacy project that vetted more than 700 pieces of information ahead of the elections.
It will identify messages that cause mistrust and clarify what is real and what is fake. Clearance will be done together by journalists from G1, O Globo, Extra, Season, Value, CBN, GloboNews and TV Globo. Politicians’ speeches will also be checked out. Know the principles and methodology. This site is responsible for checking widely shared news on general subjects.

Fake Watch Africa

Fact checking on Facebook, Twitter and Medium during the Malawi 2019 election and afterwards, including some video anti-disinfo content. The FakeWatch team monitors instances of possible fake news in the 2019 Malawi tripartite election campaign. A project by Institute for War & Peace Reporting.
(Independently written)

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.


The Digital Literacy Curriculum, focused on disinfo detection, was developed with the Finnish government for integration in schools, supported by the EU Parliament.

Fact Check Nigeria

We are a non-partisan advocate of civic awareness and participation. We contribute to the political process in our country by providing facts to counter politically motivated deception and falsehood.

Our goal is to equip citizens with facts gathered through scholarship, investigative journalism, and aggregation of other useful information already in public domain to increase public knowledge and understanding and support informed political choices.
(Copied from website)

Digital Forensic Research Lab

Catalyzing a global network of digital forensic researchers, following conflicts in real time. Mission: To identify, expose, and explain disinformation where and when it occurs using open source research; to promote objective truth as a foundation of government for and by people; to protect democratic institutions and norms from those who would seek to undermine them in the digital engagement space. To create a new model of expertise adapted for impact and real-world results.

Digital Ethical Pact

Panama's Digital Ethical Pact is an agreement where signatories pledge to follow the following:

Digital Democracy Room

The Digital Democracy Room is an initiative of FGV DAPP to monitor the public debate on the internet and fight disinformation strategies which threaten the integrity of political and electoral processes, seeking to strengthen the democratic institutions.

Monitoring the political debate of social networks in Brazil and now in three more countries in Latin America.

Design 4 Democracy

Our mission is to ensure that information technology and social media play a proactive role in supporting democracy and human rights globally.

As a community we create programs, training, and dialogue that promote the safe and responsible use of technology to advance open, democratic politics and accountable, transparent governments. We work together to take action to counteract challenges to democracy that emerge from new technologies.