Updated on
фев 26, 2021

HabLatam is a regional project in Latin America that will be implemented in its first phase in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Colombia . Through it, the following is sought:
- Obtain and publish quality data in an open and accessible way, on the daily practices and perceptions of youths regarding their digital skills and content gaps.
- Develop and implement innovative and participatory methods that capture the perspectives, practices and skills of young people, avoiding adult-centered gazes and practices.
- Generate evidence from experiences in various countries, to advance research, human resource training and contribute to the improvement in the formulation of educational policies at the national and regional level.
- The focus on digital skills refers to a key area that allows young people to take advantage of the benefits of the Internet and also to better manage the risks and avoid the associated damages.
- Investigate relevant factors (enablers, barriers, motivations, etc.) for youth participation and civic engagement.
- Collaboratively address the gap in online content (in terms of availability and quality), with a focus on the gender perspective, to enable the possibility of creating content that is truly relevant and of quality for youth.
- Generate knowledge about how youths consume, select, check and share information, to better understand how to face the challenge of disinformation that circulates through digital platforms.
- Promote the transfer of knowledge and research results to school communities, especially educators, researchers at the regional level and generators of public / educational policies.
- Linking with international research groups, most of which have joint work experience in the field, will contribute to the consolidation of networks that will promote the sustainability, replicability and scalability of the project.
- Training of human resources in the different countries where the project will be implemented (both in the co-design workshops in public schools and in the training of monitors) and the accessibility of the inputs generated from said training processes will allow its replicability.
(Copied from website)