
PubliElectoral is a technological tool of social interest that allows the collection
of information related to electoral advertising on social networks without affecting the privacy of citizen users. PubliElectoral is an extension (or plug-in) that is downloaded and installed in the internet browser (computer or desktop). When the user browses a Facebook page, it detects the political advertisements that are shown according to their profile and stores them in a database, so that later the team of the Association for Civil Rights (ADC) can contrast them and analyze.

Public Editor

Public Editor is an independent, non-profit (501c3) that provides credibility scores for news articles, journalists, public figures and news sites by guiding volunteers to complete online media literacy tasks identifying argumentative fallacies, psychological biases, inferential mistakes, and other misleading content.

With a transparent & non-partisan process, they’re engaging thoughtful citizens in a massive effort to clean up the news.

Project Look Sharp Media Curriculum

Project Look Sharp is a nonprofit, mission-driven outreach program of Ithaca College. Our mission is to help K-16 educators enhance students’ critical thinking, metacognition, and civic engagement through media literacy materials and professional development.

Founded in 1996, we have evolved from a grass-roots initiative focused on schools in Upstate NY to an internationally acclaimed organization that works with education leaders from around the world.


Pressland is a first-of-its-kind data-intelligence platform that maps global media production in real time. It's our mission to fight fake news, rebuild public trust and support counter-radicalization efforts in fragile regions.

We analyze:

- Every article
- Every author
- Every editor
- Every outlet
- All professional associations and related work
- All production and distribution data

This data is indexed, verified and distributed using the Universal News Protocol, a new open standard for media production.

Popup Newsroom

We use human-centered design methods to engage local stakeholders, encourage coalition building, and generate creative and impactful projects.

We work with newsrooms, independent journalists, civil society organizations, universities and technologists to design, refine and test collaborative approaches to some of journalism’s most pressing challenges.

Through our human centered design process, we help news organizations scale their impact, bring new skills to their journalists, create new paths for reader engagement, and, ultimately, build new audiences for their work.


PolitiTruth is a non-profit game of distinguishing political fact from fiction.

Swipe left to guess a news story is false and swipe right to guess it is true. The game is made in partnership with the Pulitzer Prize winning organization PolitiFact in the hopes of encouraging players to better discern sources of information while gathering beneficial statistics on public misconceptions. By tapping into our competitive nature, we hope to expand political consciousness.


Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. The core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.

Since their launch in 2007, they’ve received many questions about how we choose facts to check, how we stay nonpartisan, how we go about fact-checking and other topics. This document attempts to answer those questions and many more.


We love to read the news. But in the age of clickbait and biased news, we lost confidence in which stories and sources to trust. So, we came together to solve this problem dear to our hearts - restore faith in the news. OwlFactor automatically calculates the quality of an article based on four factors:

Observatorio Venezolano de Fake News

The Venezuelan Fake News Observatory aims to educate and empower citizens in the face of a reality that is submerged daily in the misinformation produced, among other reasons, by the almost immediate viralization of falsified information that circulates, mainly, on social networks .

Our research work is reflected in various national and international media, as well as our training activities in the country.


In the age of social media, many of us ambiently consume news by reading headlines and descriptions that appear in our news feeds.