
Fact-checking database online since 2010


Checkology’s lessons and other resources show you how to navigate today’s challenging information landscape. You will learn how to identify credible information, seek out reliable sources, and apply critical thinking skills to separate fact-based content from falsehoods.

Checkology gives you the habits of mind and tools to evaluate and interpret information. And you gain an understanding of the importance of the watchdog role of the press.

Top journalists and digital media experts anchor the platform’s interactive lessons.

Captain Fact

CaptainFact is a collaborative fact-checking tool for YouTube videos. People help each others to verify informations in this way:
1. Video is added on the website.
2. Statements are extracted from the video.
3. Fact-checkers confirm or refute the statements.

Bot Sentinel

In 2018 we launched Bot Sentinel to help fight disinformation and targeted harassment. We believe Twitter users should be able to engage in healthy online discourse without inauthentic accounts, toxic trolls, foreign countries, and organized groups manipulating the conversation.


AFRICMIL is a non-government organisation that focuses on media, information, research, advocacy and training. It aims to promote media and information literacy as a key component in the enhancement of democracy and good governance and the promotion of accountability and orderly society. Vision: To be a model reference point on media and information literacy on the continent. Mission: To promote media and information literacy as a key component in the enhancement of democracy and good governance.