Claim Buster

Claim Buster allows for fact checking of individual personal claims or claims by public officials. Users can insert their own claims or links to claims said publically to find out their factuality.

(Independently written)


BOOM is an independent digital journalism initiative. We are India’s premier fact checking website, committed to bring to our readers verified facts rather than opinion. When there is a claim, we will fact check it. We also report on stories and people who are fighting for individual rights, freedom of expression and the right to free speech. And some cool stuff when we are not doing that. BOOM is a part of Ping Digital Network (, a private limited company registered in India.

Aos Fatos

Daily, journalists from Aos Fatos follow statements by politicians and authorities of national expression, from different party colors, in order to verify if they are speaking the truth. For this, we adopted a formula with seven steps to carry out our checks.
Aos Fatos believes that if journalism does not make an impact, it has failed in one of its main objectives: that of monitoring power. For this reason, it invests in multiplatform content, in order to amplify our voices and win an audience that would never be within our reach.

(Copied from website)

Agência Lupa

The Magnifier is the first news agency in Brazil to specialize in journalistic technique known worldwide as fact-checking and was founded on November 1, 2015. Its business plan began to be assembled in February of that year and, since November, when it opened its newsroom in Rio de Janeiro, Lupa follows the news of politics, economy, city, culture, education, health and international relations, seeking to correct inaccurate information and disseminate correct data.

Africa Check

Africa Check is a non-partisan organisation that exists to promote accuracy and honesty in public debate and the media in Africa. Africa Check not only serves as a fact-checking source for multiple countries on the continent, but also provides how-to tips that teach private citizens to perform fact checking on their own. Devised by the non-profit media development arm of the international news agency AFP, Africa Check is an independent organisation with offices in Johannesburg, Nairobi, Lagos and Dakar.


In the United States, during the electoral process that brought Donald Trump to the presidency, more than 10 million potential voters had access to false news spread on social networks. The project intentionally takes up the name that a group of young people used in the quake to inform and serve as a bridge between those who needed help and those who could provide it. Verificado19S is a response to the absence or inefficiency of the government and the spread of false data, which only served to confuse, generate fear or divert the help that was needed.