Media Matters for Pakistan
Media Matters for Pakistan is a web based initiative, designed to act as an informal watchdog over the mainstream media in Pakistan. This platform aims to highlight issues of ethics and ideology in the mainstream media content. We aim to develop a counter narrative to the exceedingly right-wing, moral policing based programming that has taken hold of the media.
MarvelousAI is an early stage startup founded by tech industry veterans. We are building an augmented analytics platform to provide actionable insights regarding online narratives. Our “Cyborg” intelligence methodology detects narratives and fine-grained emotional content, combining the power of human-in-the-loop learning with the latest in natural language processing, computational linguistics, and machine learning.
Easily see if a news site offers credible news or should not be trusted and is un-credible/dodgy. If you care about sharing news that is credible, download and use this extension to help you identify if the site you are browsing contains credible news or un-credible/dodgy news. We apply set criteria to determine if a news site is credible or not. Assist us by identifying more credible sites and help us spot the ones that are un-credible/dodgy so we can alert others.
Information Resistance
Information Resistance is a non-governmental project whose main task is to counteract in the information field external threats arising for Ukraine in the main areas: military, economic and energy, as well as in information security.
It is a website offering news and analysis of overall Russian aggression against Ukraine, including disinformation components. It conducts analysis and fact-checking on disinformation in Ukraine related to military, economic, energy, and security.
(Copied from website)
Iffy Quotient
Social media sites and search engines have become the de facto gatekeepers of public
communication, a role once occupied by publishers and broadcasters. With this new role come
public responsibilities, including limiting the spread of misinformation.
Hoax Slayer
In the last few years, the Social Media having a wider reach and faster, started polluting human minds by anti-social elements, wrong doers, pranksters etc. Several lies are so sugar coated that one never even attempts to use the sixth sense “Common Sense” and ultimately gets affected. Our country may get different leaders/Prime Ministers but until the people have an unbiased, logical mind, getting rid of the tag “Third World Country” seems a far cry.
Hamilton 2.0
The Hamilton 2.0 dashboard, a project of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, provides a summary analysis of the narratives and topics promoted by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian government officials and state-funded media on Twitter, YouTube, state-sponsored news websites, and via official diplomatic statements at the United Nations. (NOTE — there currently are no UN statements or YouTube data for Iran).
Ghana’s independent digital fact-checking project, GhanaFact is a non-profit social enterprise that seeks to close the palpable market gap for an independent, non-partisan fact-checking programme in Ghana, West Africa.
Fact-checking in a digital era, this platform aims at curbing the spread of disinformation on both traditional and social media.
Full Fact
Full Fact is a UK-based independent factchecking charity. They are a registered charity, actively seeking a diverse range of funding and are transparent about all our sources of income.
They provide free tools, information and advice so that anyone can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.
Fiskkit was created to provide a better place for people to discuss important news topics and to find what information is accurate in every article on the Internet. Fiskkit’s founder, John Pettus, wanted to build a site that promoted logic and civility from commenters and that would use instantaneous reader feedback to help people identify was was true, false, well-reasoned or logically unsound in every news article or opinion piece. Fisking is a blogging word for a line-by-line critique of a news or opinion article and the core of site functionality.