The Dangerous Speech Project

The Dangerous Speech Project was founded in 2010 to study speech (any form of human expression) that inspires violence between groups of people – and to find ways to mitigate this while protecting freedom of expression. We work primarily in four areas:


The mission of MediaWise is to empower people of all ages to be more critical consumers of content online. They teach people key digital literacy skills to spot misinformation and disinformation so they can make decisions based on facts, not fiction. They have three programs: MediaWise for GenZ, MediaWise for First Time Voters, and MediaWise for Seniors.

Countering Misinformation about Armenia

Monitoring of the selected talk shows, newspapers, electronic periodicals of both Russian and Armenian mass media to examine the media coverage, the possible labelling and targeted information conveyed to wide audiences in the result of the activity of Russian and Armenian news and information periodicals, TV talk shows and websites. The monitoring has also sought to detect the possible impact of Russian mass media on the Armenian press.

(copied from website)

Toronto TV

Kontakt is a television and radio network that features Ukrainian-Canadian topics, as well as news from and about Ukraine. This network uses social media platforms and short video segments to challenge disinformation narratives propagated by prominent politicians.


Provides fact checking, explainers, and analytical articles, especially on issues of economic reform in Ukraine.


A project of the g0v civic technology community in Taiwan, CoFacts is a fact checking bot for messaging groups. Messages can be forwarded to the CoFacts bot for fact checking by a team of volunteers; the CoFacts bot can also be added to private groups, and will automatically share corrections if a fact-checked piece of false content is shared within the group.

(Adapted from website)


ZimFact is an independent, non-partisan Zimbabwean online fact-checking platform.

Youtube DataViewer

The Youtube Dataviewer is a tool that allows users to extract metadata from Youtube videos. It allows users to track information such as original upload time of videos as well as running a reverse image search on all thumbnails used for videos, making it easier to see whether a video is actually relevant to the event people claim. To find the information, just copy and paste the URL into the dataviewer and search.

(Independently written)


UX of Wikipedia Credibility

WikiUX takes a user-centred approach to address credibility. The project examines how end-users respond to different types of credibility signals, such as the structure of the page, tone of writing, and placement of citations within Wikipedia articles, as well as Wikipedia content that exists elsewhere on the web, such as within information cards on search and social platforms.

(Copied from website)