Global Disinformation Index
The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) aims to disrupt, defund and down-rank disinformation sites. We collectively work with governments, business and civil society. We operate on three core principles of neutrality, independence and transparency.
Their mission is to catalyse change within the tech industry to disrupt the incentives to create and disseminate disinformation online.
Ghana’s independent digital fact-checking project, GhanaFact is a non-profit social enterprise that seeks to close the palpable market gap for an independent, non-partisan fact-checking programme in Ghana, West Africa.
Fact-checking in a digital era, this platform aims at curbing the spread of disinformation on both traditional and social media.
Full Fact
Full Fact is a UK-based independent factchecking charity. They are a registered charity, actively seeking a diverse range of funding and are transparent about all our sources of income.
They provide free tools, information and advice so that anyone can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.
Fiskkit was created to provide a better place for people to discuss important news topics and to find what information is accurate in every article on the Internet. Fiskkit’s founder, John Pettus, wanted to build a site that promoted logic and civility from commenters and that would use instantaneous reader feedback to help people identify was was true, false, well-reasoned or logically unsound in every news article or opinion piece. Fisking is a blogging word for a line-by-line critique of a news or opinion article and the core of site functionality.
We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.
Fact Crescendo
Fact Crescendo is an independent, unbiased fact-checking website that is committed to bringing the fact behind every news, debunking mis-interpreted & hoax news on a daily basis on false, mis-informed, social media as well as mainstream media. We believe in transparency of news source & methodology while carrying out our core activities, a commitment to transparency of funding as well as organization and open & honest corrections policy in case we make a mistake.
EU vs. Disinformation
EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force. It was established in 2015 to better forecast, address, and respond to the Russian Federation’s ongoing disinformation campaigns affecting the European Union, its Member States, and countries in the shared neighbourhood. EUvsDisinfo’s core objective is to increase public awareness and understanding of the Kremlin’s disinformation operations, and to help citizens in Europe and beyond develop resistance to digital information and media manipulation.
El Poder de Elegir (de Chicas Poderosas)
El Poder de Elegir is a project to monitor and fact-check the political information that circulates through WhatsApp during the campaign period of the presidential elections of 2018. It is proposed to monitor and verify in real time the information that circulates through this messaging service and that is related to candidates and elections, in order to be leaders in the debate on voter manipulation strategies, involving civil society.
Efecto Cocuyo
Journalism the Illuminates
We are an independent Venezuelan media, which uses all its platforms for the free exercise of journalism and access to information. We address and develop the issues that interest and concern people. We give the voice to the protagonists, to the people.
Ecuador Chequea
Data enriches public debate and therefore strengthens democracy. An informed society is capable of making conscious decisions.
Under this premise, in October 2016 ECUADOR CHEQUEA was born : the first medium dedicated to the verification of public discourse and misleading content that circulates on the Internet. The platform is an initiative of Fundamedios , which since 2007 defends freedom of expression and the press, promotes quality journalism and trains journalists. The statutes of the organization and its legal registration are available: Statutes.