Thwarting Disinformation and Promoting Quality Information in Haitian Media

Internews’ Thwarting Disinformation and Promoting Quality Information in Haitian Media project will limit the impact of inflammatory rhetoric, false news and disinformation. The project strengthens understanding of the challenges facing Haiti’s information environment and equip local CSOs with the tools and skills to thwart disinformation and promote reliable, trusted and relevant information.


DisinfoWatch is a Canadian foreign disinformation monitoring and debunking platform. Data is sourced through an international network of journalists, civil society organizations, analysts, and automated sources. The core objective is to increase public understanding and awareness about mis/disinformation, by whom and why it’s produced, how to identify it and how to help stop its spread.

Nepal Fact Check

Center for Media Research – Nepal (CMR Nepal) is an autonomous, research and policy-oriented, not-for-profit non-governmental policy think tank registered with Nepal Government and Social Welfare Council  and is based in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

CMR-Nepal’s main focus is to enhance the knowledge content of policy making and media development by conducting researches aimed at informing Nepal’s policymakers and media stakeholders.

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) brings together the technology industry, government, civil society, and academia to foster collaboration and information-sharing to counter terrorist and violent extremist activity online.

GIFCT’s strategic planning and programming centers on three pillars:

Protecting Tunisian Elections from Digital Threat Roundtable

The roundtable highlights the current state of social media used by political actors ahead of the elections, seeking to understand and foresight how social media will impact the political campaign, and how to better protect the integrity of the campaign.

(Copied from website)

International Partnership on Information and Democracy

The International Partnership on Information and Democracy is an intergovernmental non-binding agreement endorsed by 38 countries around the world to promote and implement democratic principles in the global information and communication space. It was formally signed during the 74th UN General Assembly in September 2019.

(Copied from website)

Ethical Digital Commitment

Pledge signed by political parties and technology/social network companies committing to avoiding fake news and mechanisms of disinformation that may affect upcoming elections.

(Independently written)

RESIST Counter Disinformation Toolkit

This toolkit will help support the dissemination of reliable, truthful information that underpins our democracy. RESIST stands for (Recognise disinformation, Early warning, Situational Insight, Impact analysis, Strategic communication, Track outcomes).

This toolkit will:

Rappler Fact Check

Rappler values truth-telling, facts, and factual reporting. We correct at the first instance inaccuracies spotted in our own reports and false claims made by public officials, key public personalities, and other accounts on social media. Fact-checking is done both internally and externally to create and sustain an environment anchored on truth, which is essential to a healthy and working democracy.

Pro Truth Pledge

The Pro-Truth Pledge is a project of Intentional Insights, a volunteer-run educational nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit devoted to promoting science-based truth-seeking, rational thinking, and wise decision-making. It is a pledge for politicians and citizens to promote truthful informatoin in political systems. The Pro-Truth Pledge project is led by the volunteer Board of Directors of Intentional Insights with input and consultation of the Advisory Board.

Frustrated by misinformation and incivility in public discourse?