Updated on
Mar 09, 2021

Fact-checking database online since 2010

We work to revalue the truth and raise the cost of lies. Chequeado is the main project of the La Voz Pública Foundation. We are a non-partisan and non-profit digital medium dedicated to verifying public discourse, fighting disinformation, promoting access to information and opening data. We check the claims of politicians, economists, businessmen, public persons, the media and viral content on social networks and classify them from "true" to "false" according to their consistency with the facts and data to which they refer. We also produce explainers to put into context and contribute data to various issues on the public agenda, and we carry out journalistic investigations on key and little-discussed topics. We have a Media program; one of Innovation, with a focus on automating the production process and experimenting with new formats to reach and involve diverse audiences; and another on Educatio , which seeks to develop the critical capacity of young people and train journalists in the use of data and evidence.

What we want: To improve the quality of public debate. We want the public debate to be based more on data and facts than on ideological preferences, prejudices, sectoral interests or the mere negligence or superficiality of its protagonists. With shared checks and verified data, we contribute to improving citizens' level of knowledge and understanding of public events and increasing the transparency and depth of the debate. Defend the right to information and open and circulate reliable data. We promote the right of everyone to have reliable and clear information, so that each one can better evaluate and judge the issues that are part of the central debates of society. For this, we analyze, contrast and open the data and present it in diverse and easy-to-understand formats.

(Copied from website)