
Provides fact checking, explainers, and analytical articles, especially on issues of economic reform in Ukraine.

The Whistle

Globes' Whistle examines public statements by public figures in order to provide readers and news consumers with an essential tool for their informed and critical examination. Through a quick, comprehensive, balanced and factual examination of real-time statements concerning current affairs, the whistleblower seeks to lead in Israel a more credible, more accurate public and media discourse based on facts.

Taiwan FactCheck Center

Taiwan’s first fact-checking center was jointly supported by the Taiwan Media Observation Education Foundation and the Quality Journalism Development Association. The Taiwan Fact Checking Center uses a professional and rigorous team to check false information and rebuild the public's trust in news quality.


When misinformation obscures the truth and readers don’t know what to trust, Snopes.com’s fact checking and original, investigative reporting lights the way to evidence-based and contextualized analysis. We always document our sources so readers are empowered to do independent research and make up their own minds.


Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC), founded in 2015, is an independent online media outlet. MBFC is dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices.

MBFC’s aim is to inspire action and a rejection of overtly biased media. We want to return to an era of straight forward news reporting.

MBFC follows a strict methodology for determining the biases of sources. Dave Van Zandt is the primary editor for sources. He is assisted by a collective of volunteers who assist in research for many sources listed on these pages.

Full Fact

Full Fact is a UK-based independent factchecking charity. They are a registered charity, actively seeking a diverse range of funding and are transparent about all our sources of income.

They provide free tools, information and advice so that anyone can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.


Fiskkit was created to provide a better place for people to discuss important news topics and to find what information is accurate in every article on the Internet. Fiskkit’s founder, John Pettus, wanted to build a site that promoted logic and civility from commenters and that would use instantaneous reader feedback to help people identify was was true, false, well-reasoned or logically unsound in every news article or opinion piece. Fisking is a blogging word for a line-by-line critique of a news or opinion article and the core of site functionality.


We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

El Sabueso

Fooling a dog is difficult. He uses his sense of smell, his sight, he digs in the ground. With his senses he discovers everything ... even the lies of a politician. On Wednesday, January 28, 2015, Animal Político started its speech verification project called El Sabueso to contribute to monitoring the public debate. El Sabueso will analyze a phrase of relevance to national life and, with hard data, will establish whether it is true or false. This type of journalistic exercise is known as fact-checking and has been a trend in Latin America for several years.

CrashCourse Media Literacy

In 12 episodes, Jay Smooth teaches you Media Literacy! Based on an introductory college level curriculum, this series takes you through the history and psychology of media and gives you the skills to become more media savvy. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
* Describe media literacy as a skill and its development over time
* Understand the positive and negative effects of media on audiences
* Explain how media regulations and policies affect media producers
* Create many forms of media in an informed way
(Copied from YouTube channel)