
Sponsored partly by Microsoft, Newsguard is a plugin for browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla, and Microsoft's Edge that validates news websites for users based on 9 journalistic integrity criteria. Based on this evaluation, the site is given a positive or negative rating, green or red.
(Independently written)


Mediabugs is an organization for reporting errors and problems with media coverage and journalism. The tool contacts journalists after users say there is an error in their stories in order to hopefully correct the stories. The tool allows for conversations about the errors and allows others to more easily identify disinformation.
(Independently writtten)


Easily see if a news site offers credible news or should not be trusted and is un-credible/dodgy. If you care about sharing news that is credible, download and use this extension to help you identify if the site you are browsing contains credible news or un-credible/dodgy news. We apply set criteria to determine if a news site is credible or not. Assist us by identifying more credible sites and help us spot the ones that are un-credible/dodgy so we can alert others.


In video veritas, if we divert the old Latin saying: In video, there is truth! The digital media revolution and the convergence of social media with broadband wired and wireless connectivity are bringing breaking news to online video platforms; and, news organisations delivering information by Web streams and TV broadcast often rely on user-generated recordings of breaking and developing news events shared by social media to illustrate the story. However, in video there is also deception.

Image Verification Assistant

We are a joint team of engineers and investigators from CERTH-ITI and Deutsche Welle, trying to build a comprehensive tool for media verification on the Web. The Media Verification Assistant features a multitude of image tampering detection algorithms plus metadata analysis, GPS Geolocation, EXIF Thumbnail extraction and integration with reverse image search via Google.

A new way to assist in evaluating the credibility of media sources maintains a list of unreliable news/info sites, linked to site-ratings and fact-checks. This WikiCred project will add Wikipedia data to the index, contribute to related Wikipedia articles, and find indicators (via the Wikimedia API) to help programmatically identify fake news sites.

(Copied from website)

Iffy Quotient

Social media sites and search engines have become the de facto gatekeepers of public
communication, a role once occupied by publishers and broadcasters. With this new role come
public responsibilities, including limiting the spread of misinformation.

"The Hypothesis Project is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site.

Our team creates open source software, pushes for standards, and fosters community.


Hoaxy is a tool that visualizes the spread of articles online. Articles can be found on Twitter, or in a corpus of claims and related fact checking.

(Copied from website)


A WordPress Plugin for Opening The News

Pepe Flores and Noé Dominguez are developing a WordPress plugin for news publishers to make article edits public after publication as well as a wikibot which will notify Wikipedia editors whenever these articles, as cited source, change. You can read and comment on the grant application here:…

(Copied from website)