Engaging Women in Politics in Uganda

Organized an e-conference for over 150 women candidates for elected office in Uganda, with a focus on navigating social barriers to political participation, including misinformation and cyberbullying

Learn to Discern (L2D) - Media Literacy Training

IREX’s Learn to Discern approach helps citizens recognize and resist disinformation, propaganda, and hate speech. Learn to Discern’s unique methodology builds practical skills for citizens of all ages through interactive training, videos, games, and other learning experiences. We first implemented Learn to Discern to counter highly sophisticated disinformation campaigns in Ukraine. We are now piloting the curriculum in the United States with local communities and journalists.

Global Disinformation Index

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) aims to disrupt, defund and down-rank disinformation sites. We collectively work with governments, business and civil society. We operate on three core principles of neutrality, independence and transparency.

Their mission is to catalyse change within the tech industry to disrupt the incentives to create and disseminate disinformation online.