Thwarting Disinformation and Promoting Quality Information in Haitian Media
Internews’ Thwarting Disinformation and Promoting Quality Information in Haitian Media project will limit the impact of inflammatory rhetoric, false news and disinformation. The project strengthens understanding of the challenges facing Haiti’s information environment and equip local CSOs with the tools and skills to thwart disinformation and promote reliable, trusted and relevant information.
DEMOS Engendering Hate Report: The counters of state-aligned gendered disinformation online
A report analyzing online spaces being weaponized to exclude women leaders and undermine the role of women in public life. It investigates gendered disinformation on Poland and the Philippines through Twitter data analyses. Additionally, it analyzes themes and topics of gendered disinformation online and actors that typically disseminate it.
#NotTheCost Campaign
A global call to action to raise awareness to stop violence against women in politics.
(copied from website)
Defending Digital Democracy
Connects academic research on disinformation threats and vulnerability to governments, CSOs, technology firms, political organizations
Bots, short for robots, are computer programs designed to perform specific tasks. The first robots did not have malicious intentions, and even today there are good bots, whose purpose is to demand accountability from politicians, viralize causes for gender equality or help organize the (many) daily tasks of their users. Good right?