Full Fact

Full Fact is a UK-based independent factchecking charity. They are a registered charity, actively seeking a diverse range of funding and are transparent about all our sources of income.

They provide free tools, information and advice so that anyone can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.

First Draft

Today, we need access to the truth more than ever before. But in this polluted information environment, it’s never been harder to know what to trust, and never easier to be misled. Misinformation is targeting and damaging our communities, all around the world.

At First Draft, our mission is to protect communities from harmful misinformation. We work to empower society with the knowledge, understanding, and tools needed to outsmart false and misleading information.


DEBUNK (demaskuok in Lithuanian) is a unique Lithuania-born initiative uniting competing media outlets, journalists, volunteers for a single purpose – to make society more resilient to orchestrated disinformation campaigns.

Regretfully, the world-wide response to disinformation is too slow, too fragmented and still relying on an outdated 2G approach, where the first G stands for Google search (manual monitoring) and second G – for Gut feeling (no data-based evidence).

Credibility Coalition

The Credibility Coalition serves as a nexus for addressing the issue of information credibility. Members of our coalition facilitate, organize and take part in a variety of activities to advance our goals, including:



The Content Blockchain Project was initiated in 2016 by a consortium of publishing, law and IT companies to research the possibilities of using blockchain technologies to advance the content and media ecosystem.

The Content Blockchain Project itself is run as an open non-profit initiative and is building foundational technologies for the media ecosystem. Our goal is to create a decentralized, global, digital infrastructure for the creative community to discover, register, navigate, offer, sell and license digital media content and otherwise exchange value over the network.

Colombia Check

Colombiacheck is a project of the Editorial Board , a non-profit, non-partisan organization that brings together more than 100 associated journalists in Colombia to promote investigative journalism. The project consists of a digital, open and collaborative platform in which articles based on the fact-checking technique are published, which comes from a long tradition of Anglo-Saxon journalism and is known as fact-checking.

Be Internet Awesome

To make the most of the Internet, kids need to be prepared to make smart decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Enjoy six new media literacy activities added to the 2019 edition of Be Internet Awesome designed to help kids analyze and evaluate media as they navigate the Internet. Media literacy is essential to safety and citizenship in the digital age, and the new lessons complement Be Internet Awesome’s Internet Code of Awesome.

Africa Check

Africa Check is a non-partisan organisation that exists to promote accuracy and honesty in public debate and the media in Africa. Africa Check not only serves as a fact-checking source for multiple countries on the continent, but also provides how-to tips that teach private citizens to perform fact checking on their own. Devised by the non-profit media development arm of the international news agency AFP, Africa Check is an independent organisation with offices in Johannesburg, Nairobi, Lagos and Dakar.


In the United States, during the electoral process that brought Donald Trump to the presidency, more than 10 million potential voters had access to false news spread on social networks. The project intentionally takes up the name that a group of young people used in the quake to inform and serve as a bridge between those who needed help and those who could provide it. Verificado19S is a response to the absence or inefficiency of the government and the spread of false data, which only served to confuse, generate fear or divert the help that was needed.