
A new way to assist in evaluating the credibility of media sources

Iffy.news maintains a list of unreliable news/info sites, linked to site-ratings and fact-checks. This WikiCred project will add Wikipedia data to the index, contribute to related Wikipedia articles, and find indicators (via the Wikimedia API) to help programmatically identify fake news sites.

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Iffy Quotient

Social media sites and search engines have become the de facto gatekeepers of public
communication, a role once occupied by publishers and broadcasters. With this new role come
public responsibilities, including limiting the spread of misinformation.


"The Hypothesis Project is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site.

Our team creates open source software, pushes for standards, and fosters community.

Humble Media Genius

This is a pilot – a test – with Ruff Ruffman videos looking at the red-hot topic of how kids can and should use media and technology. Our first videos focus on texting, sharing photographs, using search, and finding an appropriate balance of technology use.

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Hoaxy is a tool that visualizes the spread of articles online. Articles can be found on Twitter, or in a corpus of claims and related fact checking.

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Hoax Slayer

In the last few years, the Social Media having a wider reach and faster, started polluting human minds by anti-social elements, wrong doers, pranksters etc. Several lies are so sugar coated that one never even attempts to use the sixth sense “Common Sense” and ultimately gets affected. Our country may get different leaders/Prime Ministers but until the people have an unbiased, logical mind, getting rid of the tag “Third World Country” seems a far cry.

[INACTIVE] Hablatam

HabLatam is a regional project in Latin America that will be implemented in its first phase in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Colombia . Through it, the following is sought:
- Obtain and publish quality data in an open and accessible way, on the daily practices and perceptions of youths regarding their digital skills and content gaps.
- Develop and implement innovative and participatory methods that capture the perspectives, practices and skills of young people, avoiding adult-centered gazes and practices.

Global Disinformation Index

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) aims to disrupt, defund and down-rank disinformation sites. We collectively work with governments, business and civil society. We operate on three core principles of neutrality, independence and transparency.

Their mission is to catalyse change within the tech industry to disrupt the incentives to create and disseminate disinformation online.


A WordPress Plugin for Opening The News

Pepe Flores and Noé Dominguez are developing a WordPress plugin for news publishers to make article edits public after publication as well as a wikibot which will notify Wikipedia editors whenever these articles, as cited source, change. You can read and comment on the grant application here: https://wikiconference.org/wiki/2019/Grants/Glassbox_-_A_WordPress_plug…

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Ghana’s independent digital fact-checking project, GhanaFact is a non-profit social enterprise that seeks to close the palpable market gap for an independent, non-partisan fact-checking programme in Ghana, West Africa.

Fact-checking in a digital era, this platform aims at curbing the spread of disinformation on both traditional and social media.