Public Editor
Public Editor is an independent, non-profit (501c3) that provides credibility scores for news articles, journalists, public figures and news sites by guiding volunteers to complete online media literacy tasks identifying argumentative fallacies, psychological biases, inferential mistakes, and other misleading content.
With a transparent & non-partisan process, they’re engaging thoughtful citizens in a massive effort to clean up the news.
Popup Newsroom
We use human-centered design methods to engage local stakeholders, encourage coalition building, and generate creative and impactful projects.
We work with newsrooms, independent journalists, civil society organizations, universities and technologists to design, refine and test collaborative approaches to some of journalism’s most pressing challenges.
Through our human centered design process, we help news organizations scale their impact, bring new skills to their journalists, create new paths for reader engagement, and, ultimately, build new audiences for their work. is a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The website serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally. A similar website in the Russian language can be found at
VOA and RFE/RL journalists research and analyze quotes, stories, and reports distributed by government officials, government-sponsored media and other high-profile individuals. The reporters separate fact from fiction, add context, and debunk lies.
PolitiTruth is a non-profit game of distinguishing political fact from fiction.
Swipe left to guess a news story is false and swipe right to guess it is true. The game is made in partnership with the Pulitzer Prize winning organization PolitiFact in the hopes of encouraging players to better discern sources of information while gathering beneficial statistics on public misconceptions. By tapping into our competitive nature, we hope to expand political consciousness.
Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. The core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.
Since their launch in 2007, they’ve received many questions about how we choose facts to check, how we stay nonpartisan, how we go about fact-checking and other topics. This document attempts to answer those questions and many more.
Polétika República Dominicana
Polétika República Dominicana is a group of civil society organizations and movements that work in different areas, including: health, housing and habitat, taxation, citizen security, transparency, childhood and adolescence, gender, and municipality. Our goal is to achieve a more just and less unequal society.
Through this platform, we seek to monitor and pressure political parties so that they place people at the center of their government decisions and can participate in a more just and less unequal society.
Pesa Check
PesaCheck is a fact-checking initiative to verify the financial and other statistical numbers quoted by public figures across East Africa, supported by International Budget Partnership, and Code for Africa affiliates in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Bots, short for robots, are computer programs designed to perform specific tasks. The first robots did not have malicious intentions, and even today there are good bots, whose purpose is to demand accountability from politicians, viralize causes for gender equality or help organize the (many) daily tasks of their users. Good right?
We love to read the news. But in the age of clickbait and biased news, we lost confidence in which stories and sources to trust. So, we came together to solve this problem dear to our hearts - restore faith in the news. OwlFactor automatically calculates the quality of an article based on four factors:
Our.News - now in its beta - provides in-sight tools and add-ons that fact check news stories aggregated from across the internet on the spot. Additionally, Our.News provides downloadable apps such as Newstrition, "a free Chrome and Firefox browser extension that provides background information about news publishers, verified by the Freedom Forum Institute, allowing users to check and rate a story’s sources and also rate the stories themselves."
Fact-Checking Any News Story